7+ Money Saving Tips for a Frugal Vacation!


Last Updated on May 8, 2024 by Kat Marie

Going to the beach can be a fun and memorable experience for a family, but it can also be expensive. Thats why I have some money saving tips to share with you and your family!

Growing up in a family of 5, and now having my own family of 6, I have come up with several ways to lessen the strain on the bank account for a frugal beach vacation while still letting the kids have a ton of fun.

money saving tips

For years, I’ve always loved to hunt for the best deals for food, vacations (check out Groupon for local deals!) not to mention even simple household items – call me weird, but I like the challenge of never paying retail on anything if I can get away with it.

You don’t have to be a weirdo like me, and don’t be afraid, all you need to do is a little research to save at the bank and those savings can add even more enjoyment to beach days!

Here are some of my money saving tips.

Set a Budget

Budgeting for a vacation is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it helps you manage your finances effectively and avoid overspending. By setting a budget, you can determine how much money you can allocate to different aspects of your trip, such as accommodations, transportation, activities, and dining.

This ensures that you have the necessary funds to cover all expenses without going into debt or facing financial strain upon your return.

Prioritize your spending

Secondly, budgeting allows you to prioritize your spending and make informed decisions. It helps you identify what is most important to you during your vacation, whether it’s luxurious accommodations, gourmet dining, or immersive experiences.

By allocating funds accordingly, you can create a memorable and fulfilling itinerary that aligns with your preferences and priorities.

Budgeting helps you save money in advance and avoid last-minute financial stress.

Planning ahead

By planning ahead and setting aside funds specifically for your vacation, you can reduce the financial burden and enjoy your trip without constantly worrying about money.

This can be especially useful if you have a limited travel budget or if unexpected expenses arise during your trip.

Pack your own food and drinks

Packing your own food and drinks for a vacation is an important money saving tips for several reasons.

  • Save money on dining out, which can be a significant expense while traveling. By preparing your own meals and snacks, you can avoid the high costs of restaurants and touristy eateries.
  • Packing your own food gives you more control over your dietary preferences and restrictions. You can ensure that you have access to healthy and familiar options, especially if you have specific dietary needs or allergies.
  • Bringing your own food reduces waste from single-use containers and packaging and does reduce trash on our beaches.

Overall, packing your own food and drinks for a vacation offers financial savings, dietary control, convenience, and sustainability benefits. Pack a cooler with sandwiches, fruits, and snacks and don’t forget to bring water bottles to keep everyone hydrated.

Buy in Bulk

Buying in bulk for a vacation is another one of my favorite money saving tips . It allows you to save money by taking advantage of discounted prices that are often offered when purchasing items in larger quantities closer to your home. A simple thing like bottled water can be very expensive if you buy it on the boardwalk!

Ample supply of essential items

This can significantly reduce the overall cost of supplies and necessities for your trip. Also, buying in bulk ensures that you have an ample supply of essential items, such:

  • Toiletries
  • Snacks
  • Sunscreen
  • Diapers
  • Wipes

You won’t have to worry about running out of these items during your vacation, saving you the time and hassle of having to find and purchase them at higher prices while traveling.

Bring Your Own Beach Gear

Bringing your own beach gear is a great money saving tip for your vacation is important for several reasons. Having your own gear ensures that you have everything you need to fully enjoy your time at the beach. This includes items like:

Renting gear can be expensive

By bringing your own gear, you won’t have to rely on renting equipment or purchasing expensive items at beachside shops, saving you money in the long run.

Instead of renting beach chairs, umbrellas, and beach toys, bring your own and this can save you a lot of money in the long run. Local big box stores are often close by and offer everything you’ll need. Only here for a short while and don’t want to be wasteful?

Free printables

Look for Free Activities

There are many free activities you can do at the beach, such as building sandcastles, playing beach volleyball, or taking a walk along the shore. You can also bring your own games, like frisbees or beach balls!

But planning for free activities for a vacation is important to stay on budget. It helps to reduce the overall cost of your trip and may be one of the biggest money savers.

Explore local culture

Also, exploring free activities provides an opportunity to immerse yourself in the local culture and experience authentic aspects of your destination. Many cities and towns offer free events, festivals, and performances that showcase local talent, traditions, and heritage.

A scavenger hunt is also a great way to get know the area around you while being free! Included in the freebee section is a scavenger hunt check-list for your enjoyment.

Seeking out free activities for your family encourages you to discover hidden gems and lesser-known attractions that may not be as crowded or touristy. It allows you to explore off-the-beaten-path locations and create unique memories.

Overall, looking for free activities is a great money saving tip during your vacation offers financial savings, cultural immersion, unique experiences, and a more responsible way of exploring your destination.

Related beach content:

Go During Off-Peak Times

Beach season usually lasts from the month of May to the end of August so, If possible, try to plan your beach trip during off-peak times. Don’t go during a busy holiday weekend. This can save you money on accommodations, parking, and activities.

It allows for cost savings. Off-peak travel periods often offer lower prices for accommodations, flights, and attractions.

Tourist season

By avoiding peak tourist seasons, you can take advantage of discounted rates and special deals, stretching your travel budget further.

Traveling during off-peak times means fewer crowds and less congestion. You can explore popular tourist destinations with more ease, avoiding long lines and overcrowded attractions.

Traveling during off-peak times provides a chance to experience a destination in its authentic and undisturbed state. You can interact with locals, appreciate the local culture, and observe daily life without the overwhelming presence of tourists.

Use Groupon for discounts on entertainment

Look for deals on discount websites for things like hotels, restaurants, and activities. Just be sure to read the fine print and make sure the deals are legitimate.

I always like to call too to see if there are any early bird specials or deals for kids. The worse they can say is “no” after all – and that doesn’t cost you a dime either!

These deals often provide significant savings compared to regular prices, making your trip more affordable.

Using Groupon can introduce you to new experiences and attractions that you may not have considered otherwise. The platform offers a wide range of options, from local tours to unique activities, giving you the chance to explore and discover hidden gems at a discounted rate.

By taking advantage of deals and discounts, you can optimize your travel budget, allowing you to allocate funds for other aspects of your trip or save for future adventures.

Stay at an Airbnb or Vacation Rental

Renting an Airbnb or vacation rental can be a cost-effective option for families. Look for an option with a kitchen so you can cook your own meals, and many rentals near the beach often come with beach gear and toys.

My favorite local grocery store Lidl has a lot of great deals for cereal, bread, peanut butter and milk with will really help reduce the cost.

Staying at an Airbnb or a short-term rental during a vacation is important for several reasons. Firstly, it offers cost savings compared to traditional hotels. Airbnb often provides more affordable options, especially for larger groups or longer stays, as they typically offer a flat rate rather than charging per person.

This can help you stay within your travel budget and allocate funds for other experiences. Airbnb and short-term rentals provide a more personalized and unique experience. Each property has its own charm, décor, and amenities, allowing you to find a place that suits your preferences and desired comfort level.

It can also provide a more immersive experience by allowing you to live like a local, staying in residential neighborhoods rather than touristy areas.

These accommodations often come with more space, including kitchens and living areas, which can be beneficial for families or travelers who prefer a homely environment. Staying at an Airbnb or short-term rental allows you to support local hosts and communities.

It can contribute to the local economy and provide income for individuals or families, fostering a more authentic connection with the destination.

Use reward points for hotel stays

To use hotel points for a frugal beach vacation, start by researching hotels that participate in loyalty programs. Look for those with beachfront locations or within close proximity to the beach.

Once you’ve identified the hotels, check their availability using your accumulated points. Consider booking during off-peak seasons or weekdays when prices are lower.

If possible, try to book longer stays to maximize the value of your points. Keep an eye out for promotions or limited-time offers that can provide additional savings or bonus points. It’s also worth comparing the point value to the cash price to ensure you’re getting a good deal.

Lastly, don’t forget to factor in any additional expenses, such as resort fees or parking charges, when planning your frugal beach vacation using hotel points.

Using this last money saving tips has saved me the most money when booking stays for my family. In a later series, I will go over in detail how I was able to accomplish this and not pay ANY money for them. Stay tuned!

Why is it important to consider these money saving tips?

Considering money-saving tips is important because it allows you to make the most of your travel budget, avoid overspending, and maintain financial control.

By implementing these money saving tips, you can save money on accommodations, transportation, food, and activities, enabling you to potentially extend your trip or allocate funds for future travel.

It promotes financial planning, reduces debt, and provides flexibility and freedom during your vacation.

Additionally, embracing frugality encourages sustainable travel practices and allows you to experience local culture more authentically. Overall, these tips help you maximize your travel opportunities while being financially responsible.

Free and EASY to print saving money coloring page!

What better way to teach money saving tips early on than coloring it! I personally believe it is so important to teach early on so your own kids can enjoy their vacations by saving!

Let your kids decide what colors to use other than green. It’ll be cool to see what color combinations they come up with 😀

Final Splash

These are just a few tips that really helped our family save money and we still had so much fun enjoying the ocean. Let me know in the comments what you have done to save money going to the beach!


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