How I Save Money to Travel More with My Big Family 2024


Last Updated on February 27, 2024 by Kat Marie

Like traveling but have a large family and looking for ways to save money in your daily life? Planning on booking that great vacation? Raising a large family can be an incredible joy, but it can also be a significant financial challenge.

ways to save money

Growing up in a family of 5, my Mom and Dad were very frugal with how they raised us and that has helped me take care of my larger family of 6.

With multiple mouths to feed, bills to pay, beach vacations to go on and expenses to cover, it can be difficult to make ends meet.

However, with a little bit of planning, creativity, and discipline, it’s possible to save money and stretch your family’s budget further and save money.

Why should I care about ways to save money?

Saving money is crucial, especially when you have a large family, as it provides financial security and stability for both the present and the future. How about that trip your Husband/Wife has been dreaming about but seems difficult to obtain?

Here are a few basic reasons why you should save money is important in this context:

Emergency fund is a must!

Having a substantial savings account allows you to create an emergency fund. Unexpected expenses like medical emergencies, home repairs, or job loss can be financially devastating.

By saving money regularly, you can build a safety net that ensures you and your family are prepared for these unforeseen circumstances.

Future expenses

As your family grows, so do the expenses and your travel budget. Saving money allows you to plan for future expenses such as education, housing, weddings, and retirement.

By setting aside funds now, you can lessen the burden of these significant costs later on.

Financial independence

Saving money empowers you to become financially independent. It gives you the freedom to make choices based on what’s best for your family, rather than being solely driven by financial constraints.

Whether it’s pursuing higher education, starting a business, or taking a sabbatical, having savings will provide you with more flexibility and options.

Teaching financial responsibility

Saving money sets a positive example for your children. It helps instill important values like delayed gratification, fiscal responsibility, and the importance of planning for the future.

By demonstrating good saving habits, you equip your children with valuable skills that will benefit them throughout their lives.

Peace of mind

Knowing that you have savings can bring peace of mind to both you and your family. It reduces stress and anxiety related to financial uncertainties, ensuring that you can focus on building a happy and fulfilling life together.

How much does an average vacation for families cost?

It really depends if you want to go “all out” or as frugal as possible. In future blog post I will cover how to score free hotel rooms and extremely cheap flights for the family. For us, the average cost for a vacation about 600-1000! We always try to get it a little cheaper so these money saving tips do help throughout the year.

In this blog post, we’ll share 15 ways to save money for large families or any family, so you can reduce your expenses and enjoy more financial freedom:

1. Create a budget and stick to it.

Every Monday, my husband and I go over what’s in our checking account so talk about any major expenses coming up. It helps us keep the line of communication open so there aren’t any surprises. We know what our expenses are and how much we bring in, so our budget does change from time to time.

2. Shop for groceries in bulk and cook meals at home.

Shopping for groceries in bulk and cooking meals at home can be an effective way to save money. When you buy in bulk, you often get better prices per unit, allowing you to stretch your budget further.

By planning your meals and cooking at home, you avoid the higher costs associated with eating out or buying pre-packaged convenience foods.

Cooking at home also gives you control over the ingredients, allowing you to make healthier choices and potentially reducing healthcare costs in the long run.

We also bring leftovers from homemade meals to work so it can be repurposed for future meals, minimizing food waste and maximizing your savings.

Cooking at home
Kids love cooking at home even though it makes such a big mess!

3. Plan meals ahead of time to avoid last-minute takeout.

By taking the time to plan your meals for the week, you can make a shopping list and ensure you have all the necessary ingredients on hand.

This eliminates the temptation of ordering takeout when you’re pressed for time or feeling too exhausted to cook.

Typically, we cook several meals on Sunday and just put it in the fridge for use later this week.

Planning meals also allows you to choose healthier options, as you can incorporate nutritious ingredients and control portion sizes.

Meal planning helps minimize food waste, as you’re only buying what you need and utilizing leftovers efficiently. By sticking to your meal plan, you not only save money but also foster healthier eating habits and gain more control over your nutritional intake.

4. Use coupons and discount codes when shopping online or in-store.

Coupons and discount codes offer exclusive deals and discounts, allowing you to get the products you need at a lower price. When shopping online, you can easily find and apply these codes during the checkout process, instantly reducing the total cost of your purchase.

In-store, you can present physical coupons or show digital ones on your smartphone to avail of the discounts. By taking advantage of these ways to save money, you can stretch your budget further and potentially afford items that would otherwise be out of reach.

If it’s a percentage off, free shipping, or buy-one-get-one offers, using coupons and discount codes is a smart and practical way to save money on your purchases.

5. Buy secondhand items such as clothes, toys, and furniture.

Since we know our kids are constantly growing, we like to shop at the thrift store. We have scored some really amazing items and clothes that we later resold. The clothes are really great quality and usually not that worn.

I also have Mom friends at work and we all trade clothes with each other! This method has helped us save money and a lot too.

6. Make use of free local activities and events for entertainment.

Facebook is a great place to look for free activities along with Instagram. I have a habit of scrolling every other day or daily to see what this great city has for FREE on the weekend. We have a lot of parks around us and the kids just LOVE it!

7. Consider a staycation instead of an expensive vacation.

Rather than spending on expensive flights, accommodations, and travel expenses, you can explore local attractions and enjoy the comforts of your own home to save money.

Staycations eliminate the need for costly hotel bookings and dining out every day, allowing you to save significantly on accommodation and restaurant expenses.

You can also avoid the added costs of transportation, such as rental cars or gas.

By enjoying the amenities and activities in your local area, such as parks, museums, or exploring nearby attractions, you can have a relaxing and enjoyable vacation without breaking the bank.

We like to go to Williamsburg Virginia Beach of the close proximity to us and still have several things to do such as Busch Gardens!

8. Turn off lights and unplug electronics when not in use.

Lights and appliances that are left on or plugged in continue to consume electricity, even if they’re not actively being used. This is known as standby power or vampire power.

By turning off lights when leaving a room and unplugging appliances when they’re not needed, you can reduce unnecessary electricity consumption and lower your energy bill.

Certain appliances, especially older ones, may continue to draw power even when they’re turned off but still plugged in. This is called phantom load or standby power consumption. By unplugging these appliances completely, you can prevent them from using any power when not in use, leading to additional energy savings.

Consistently practicing these energy-saving habits can add up over time, resulting in noticeable reductions in energy costs and a great way to save money.

Usually before we leave to go somewhere, I have my oldest go around the house to make sure all the lights are turned out.

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9. Invest in energy-efficient appliances and LED products.

Using energy-efficient lights, such as LED bulbs, can save money in several ways.

Energy-efficient lights consume significantly less electricity compared to traditional incandescent bulbs. LED bulbs, for example, use up to 80% less energy while producing the same amount of light or even more. This reduction in energy consumption directly translates into lower electricity bills.

LED bulbs, on average, can last up to 25 times longer than incandescent bulbs. By not having to replace bulbs as frequently, you save money on replacements and reduce maintenance costs.

Energy-efficient lights produce less heat, making them more efficient in converting energy into light rather than wasted heat. This can also contribute to savings on cooling costs, especially during hot climates or in spaces where air conditioning is used.

While energy-efficient lights may have a slightly higher upfront cost, their long-term cost savings in terms of energy usage, replacement frequency, and reduced cooling expenses make them a cost-effective investment and a great way to save money.

save money
Save money earlier and reap the rewards later!

10. Shop around for insurance to find the best rates. ways to save money

This way to save money can save you possibly thousands of dollars yearly! By comparing quotes from multiple agencies, you can find the best deal that suits your needs and budget.

Insurance premiums and policy terms can vary significantly between providers, even for the same type of coverage.

By taking the time to research and obtain quotes from different agencies, you can identify any potential savings or discounts available.

Some insurance companies may offer special discounts based on factors such as your driving record, age, or bundled policies.

We are having our roof replaced here shortly and you better believe that we will be asking our insurance company to reduce our homeowners insurance policy to save money! The worse they can say is no right?

Your insurance needs can change over time, whether it’s due to life circumstances or changes in risk factors.

It’s important to note that while cost is a significant factor, it’s also essential to consider the reputation, customer service, and reliability of the insurance agency. Finding a balance between being able to save money and quality coverage is crucial to ensure you are adequately protected.

Just make sure you read the fine print before signing any contract!

11. Make DIY cleaning and personal care products instead of buying them.

While making your own personal products may require some initial investment in ingredients and equipment, the long-term cost savings, customization options, and environmental benefits make it a cost-effective and rewarding choice for many individuals.

I’ve been trying different recipes and ideas for this so let me know in the comments what you’ve made yourself. I’d like to save money doing more DIY products.

12. Create a savings plan and set aside a portion of each paycheck.

Setting aside about 10% or more portion of your paycheck is crucial for several reasons.

Having a savings plan allows you to build up an emergency fund, which acts as a safety net during unexpected situations like medical emergencies or job loss.

Saving money helps you achieve your financial goals, whether it’s buying a house, starting a business, or planning for retirement.

It also provides a sense of financial security and reduces stress about future uncertainties. Ultimately, saving a portion of your paycheck empowers you to take control of your financial well-being and work towards a more stable and prosperous future.

13. Avoid impulse purchases by waiting a day or two before buying.

I think most people love shopping online and Amazon specifically. We have a rule that we leave the item in the cart and see how we feel about it and if its worth buying.

Sometimes this works and we end up not buying the item or we find it cheaper somewhere else. Other times, we do end up buying it because we truly needed the item.

14. Encourage kids to save by setting up a savings account

Showing by example is the best thing we can do for our kids to start their financial life in a positive direction. We like to use fidelity and Vanguard because the cost is so low to start an account.

It instills the value of why we should save money from an early age, teaching children the importance of financial responsibility and delayed gratification.

A savings account provides a safe place for children to keep their money, teaching them about banking and the concept of earning interest on their savings. It also introduces them to the idea of setting goals and working towards them, whether it’s saving for a new toy or a future education.

It also helps kids prepare them for unexpected expenses or emergencies, fostering a sense of financial security.

Overall, starting a savings account for kids is a valuable tool for their financial education and sets them on the path to a financially stable future.

15. Use Low-Cost Cell Phone Carriers

Low-cost carriers such as Visible typically offer more affordable monthly plans compared to major carriers. This means you can get similar services like talk, text, and data at a lower cost.

Visible often don’t require long-term contracts or have high termination fees, giving you more flexibility and the ability to switch providers easily if you find a better deal.

You can easily save money by a few hundred dollars a month just by switching! We have been very happy with the service and saving money is a great win too!

Final Splash

Over the years, this is what we have found to really lower our monthly expenses and daily living cost. Let me know in the comments if there is something that worked for you that I haven’t mentioned.

With anything in life, we are constantly learning new ways and techniques, so I hope these tips with help you save money! Now with your added dollars, plan that vacation!


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