17 Easy and Effective New Year Resolutions for Kids!


Last Updated on February 18, 2024 by Kat Marie

I think I say this every year but WOW! It’s the end of the year and now is the time to look forward to starting a new year resolutions list for the family! Let’s learn from the mistakes of the previous year and improve!

New year resolutions
Enjoy my new year resolutions list for kids!

It’s always good to self-reflect and think positive about what’s to come. I wrote an article about how to keep the positive momentum after the holidays here:

Why should I do a New Year Resolutions list with my family?

Setting New Year resolutions for kids and the family is important for several reasons.


Firstly, it provides an opportunity for self-reflection and goal setting, encouraging personal growth and development.

By identifying areas of improvement and setting goals, kids can cultivate valuable life skills such as discipline, perseverance, and time management.


Another reason is because new year resolutions promote a sense of responsibility and accountability.

When families set resolutions together, it creates a supportive environment where everyone can hold each other accountable and work towards their goals collectively.

This fosters a sense of unity and teamwork within the family.

Setting goals

New Year resolutions can serve as a roadmap for positive change and personal achievement. By setting specific and attainable goals, kids and the family can track their progress, celebrate successes, and learn from challenges. It provides an opportunity for growth, motivation, and instills a sense of purpose and direction.


Ultimately, New Year resolutions for kids and the family help foster a culture of self-improvement, well-being, and shared aspirations, creating a foundation for a fulfilling and successful year ahead. Take a look at some ideas for your family:

1. Practice kindness and empathy towards others

With my kids being younger, this can be a hard one to achieve since right now they want what they want NOW.

One way to do this new year resolutions is by encouraging them to engage in acts of kindness, such as sharing toys, helping a friend, or expressing gratitude.

By modeling these behaviors ourselves and discussing the positive impact they have on others, children can learn the value of being kind and empathetic.

2. Read a new book every month

This is something all young kids should be doing. Part of our routine is right before bed, the kids pick a book and we read. Sometimes the older kids read books to the younger kids and sometimes I’ll read to everyone.

We have a great local library, and we go often to check out books and make it a fun event! For our personal new year resolutions this year, we plan on using more digital books to see if the kids will read even more!

We love our Moonlite reader because it projects the pictures on the screen while the younger kids read from the phone!

moonlite reader

3. Eat more fruits and vegetables to stay healthy

Plan your meals in advance, including a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables, and make sure to stock up on these items during grocery shopping. For this new year resolutions goal, experiment with different cooking methods, such as grilling, roasting, or steaming, to enhance the flavors and textures of your produce.

Try incorporating fruits and vegetables into smoothies, salads, or as wholesome snacks throughout the day. Staying consistent and gradually increasing your intake will make this new year resolutions a sustainable habit.

Making fresh fruits and vegetables the focal point of your meals will not only provide essential nutrients but also boost energy levels, support digestion, and promote overall vitality.

4. Limit screen time and spend more time playing outside

Instead of watching TV right when the kids get home from school, have the kids do their homework FIRST then reward them with screen or TV time.

It should be considered to be a privilege and after awhile the kids know they homework/housework needs to be done before TV.

5. Help with household chores

Create a chore chart or checklist to help them visualize their responsibilities. Set clear expectations and provide guidance on how to complete each task effectively.

Incorporate positive reinforcement, such as praise or rewards, to motivate and acknowledge their efforts. Break down larger chores into smaller, manageable steps to avoid overwhelm.

6. Learn a new hobby or skill, like painting or playing an instrument.

Encourage them to explore their interests and choose an activity that sparks their passion. Provide the necessary resources, such as art supplies or musical instruments, and enroll them in classes or lessons to receive professional guidance.

Set achievable new year resolutions goals and create a regular practice schedule to help them stay committed and motivated.

7. Be organized and keep track of homework and assignments

Encourage them to use tools like planners or digital calendars to create a schedule and record important deadlines. Teach them to break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps, helping them plan their time effectively.

Designate a dedicated study area that is free from distractions, providing them with the necessary supplies and resources. Encourage them to prioritize their tasks and complete assignments in a timely manner to avoid last-minute stress. Teach them the importance of reviewing and organizing their notes regularly.

By developing organizational skills, kids can stay on top of their responsibilities, manage their time efficiently, and achieve academic success while reducing anxiety and promoting a sense of accomplishment.

8. Volunteer and give back to the community

Help them explore different causes or organizations that align with their interests and values. Research local opportunities such as food banks, animal shelters, or community cleanup projects.

Involve them in the decision-making process and let them choose where they want to contribute their time and effort. Teach them about the importance of helping others and the positive impact they can make in their community.

Set realistic new year resolutions goals for volunteering, whether it’s a certain number of hours per month or a specific project they want to complete.

Goals for the new year
New Year resolutions planner is a great way to start setting goals!

Relates blog post about self-improvement:

9. Drink more water and stay hydrated

Being healthy and drinking water is always a good activity to do.

Encourage them to carry a reusable water bottle and make it easily accessible throughout the day. Teach them about the importance of hydration and how it benefits their overall health.

Set a goal for them to drink a certain amount of water each day, based on their age and activity level. Create reminders or a schedule to help them stay on track and form the habit.

Make water more appealing by adding fruits or herbs for flavor.

10. Spend quality time with family and friends

Encourage them to reach out to friends and organize outings or virtual hangouts. Teach them the value of active listening and genuine conversation, fostering meaningful connections. Set aside dedicated time each week for uninterrupted family time, where devices are put away and attention is focused on each other.

One of my personal New Year resolutions is to spend more time with the cousins!

11. Practice good manners and always say “please” and “thank you”

This is something we practice DAILY and there is always room for improvement for this New Year resolutions.

Encourage them to express gratitude by saying “thank you” when someone does something kind or helpful. Lead by example and praise them when they remember to use these polite phrases. Role-play different scenarios to help them practice and reinforce these manners.

Remind them that using good manners not only shows respect but also helps to build strong and positive relationships with others.

12. Set goals and work towards achieving them

Encourage them to write down their goals and create an action plan outlining the steps needed to accomplish them. Help them break down their goals into smaller, manageable tasks, making the process less overwhelming.

Set regular check-ins to track progress and provide guidance and support along the way. Celebrate milestones achieved to boost motivation and confidence.

Encourage them to persevere through challenges and setbacks, reminding them that hard work and dedication are key to achieving their new year resolutions.

13. Exercise regularly and stay active

Make exercise a family affair by organizing fun outings like hikes or bike rides. Limit screen time and encourage outdoor play. Provide positive reinforcement and praise their efforts to keep them motivated.

Remind them of the numerous benefits of regular exercise, including improved physical fitness, mental well-being, increased energy levels, and better concentration.

14. Try new foods and expand your palate.

Introduce them to a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, and proteins from different cultures. Involve them in meal planning and preparation, allowing them to explore new flavors and textures.

Encourage them to take small bites and give honest feedback. Celebrate their willingness to try new foods, even if they don’t immediately like them.

15. Be responsible with money and save some for the future

Teach them the importance of budgeting and managing their finances wisely. For this new year resolutions, encourage them to set saving goals, whether it’s for a special purchase or for long-term savings.

Help them create a system to track their income and expenses, such as using a piggy bank or a savings account. Teach them the concept of delayed gratification by encouraging them to save a portion of their allowance or earnings instead of spending it all immediately.

Introduce them to the idea of earning extra income through chores or entrepreneurial endeavors.

16. Practice good hygiene habits, like brushing teeth twice a day

Teach them the importance of oral hygiene by explaining how regular brushing removes plaque, prevents cavities, and keeps their gums healthy.

Create a routine that includes brushing in the morning and before bed and encourage them to use fluoride toothpaste and replace their toothbrush regularly.

Make brushing fun by using colorful toothbrushes, playing their favorite music, or brushing alongside them as a family.

Emphasize the long-term benefits of maintaining good oral health, like fresh breath, a bright smile, and fewer dental problems.

17. Be positive and have a grateful attitude, focusing on the good things in life

Encourage them to focus on the good things in life and appreciate the blessings they have. Teach them to look for the silver lining in challenging situations and find reasons to be grateful every day.

Create a gratitude journal where they can write down three things they are thankful for each day. Encourage them to express gratitude towards others by saying thank you and showing appreciation for acts of kindness.

Final Splash

With any new year resolutions for our kids, repetition and showing by example will be the best way to keep these changes going. Some might stick and some might not continue on but that’s ok!

This list is just giving ideas what could be done to better your life and your kids life. There’s always opportunity to encourage our children to embrace these new year resolutions and embark on a journey of self-improvement, empowerment, and fulfillment.


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